Northwest Iowa Soccer Club


2020 Summer Tournament Status

Competitive Soccer
Northwest Iowa Soccer Club

Hi everyone,

With all the recent information that we have received from Iowa Soccer Association and other states’ associations, we are unable to attend any soccer tournaments this summer. From Iowa Soccer, we have to continue virtual training sessions for the summer. The South Dakota Youth Soccer Association is prohibiting ALL sanctioned events in South Dakota until August 1st. It is unfortunate that all these events have been cancelled but it is with the players’, coaches’ and spectators’ safety as the number one priority for these decisions.

Friendly Reminder: make sure to cancel any hotel reservations you had for any tournaments that your team was already planning to attend.

NWISC would like to thank the family members that are everyday heroes during this time: health care workers, police officers, firefighters, ambulance personnel, and those who work with the elderly along with grocery workers, freight haulers, farmers, food processors, mail carriers, garbage collectors, and many others who show up and do their job every day even when it puts them at risk.

Stay safe, stay healthy, enjoy your summer and can’t wait to see everyone on the fields in the fall!

Thank you,

Northwest Iowa Soccer Club Board of Directors